I wrote about June 21, the longest day of the year; now at the other end of the year it’s December 21, the shortest day. After today, each day gets a bit longer, a we see bit more light, and eventually the snow and ice will melt, the summer birds will return, and fresh food will once again grace our table.
We had a bonfire to help chase the darkness away:
The rocks by the water’s edge provide a safe place to have a big blaze!
Family and neighbours came by and we had a nice meal and played games and enjoyed the Christmas Tree that we had just set up:
We always cut one down as we are surrounded by Balsam and Spruce too numerous to mention, and set it up in our living room. We were very happy to have our daughter home from Toronto for the occasion. Our son came as well and various in-laws who we see a lot of, over this season.
This is one of several entries delayed in publication: I’m struggling with transferring some ideas to print, but sometimes it’s OK to just write and be done with it. So here it is.
It’s been a strange and snow-less winter so far but have ski trip planned that would benefit greatly from some natural snow. Well, we will see!
Splendidly cold and snow-bright here, now! Do we, on Lake Michigan, inherit what you don't have? In any case: happy January 'hibernation'.