I appreciate symmetry. I like ritual. I enjoy the concept that some things recur in a predictable fashion.
In terms of the change of seasons, my favourite day of the year is December 21. This is because on that day, I know that the daily amount of sunlight will start increasing, only a little bit at a time at first, and then much more rapidly by the time we get to the spring equinox, March 21, another happy day for me.
Of course, in this part of the world December 21 is when it only really starts to get cold. So, perhaps, confusingly, as the days get longer, and the nights get shorter, the temperatures continue to get colder, at least for a while.
One might think that June 21 would be my least favourite day. The days are starting to get shorter already! But that’s not the case for me, I like summer and heat and being on the water and this continues for a couple of months after the summer solstice.
The only day that I don’t have any particular affinity for us the fall equinox, Sept 21. I know that I’m retreating inwardly in the autumn to acknowledge the dominance of darkness that encroaches upon us. Maybe I’m able to have greater clarity of thought in the winter, but I need to make efforts to get out; this season is dominated by hunting and hiking, awaiting snow that will allow skiing season to begin.
Now that I’m (semi) retired, the weather and change of seasons, and what I can do outdoors, will be more important than ever for me.
Being active in the great outdoors has always been a big part of my strategy for coping with life. Now, six weeks since my last day of work, I’m able to pursue that goal with greater zeal.

I’m writing this as I sit on the deck outside, on the shore of Lake Superior, listening to the Song Sparrows, Cedar Waxwings, Magnolia Warblers, Black Capped Chickadees, Red Winged Blackbirds, Loons, Seagulls, Eagles, and I even get to see the odd Pelican. (Information regarding which bird song I’m hearing is helpfully gleaned through the aid of the “Merlin” app.)
I’ll be going out on a boat shortly.
Happy sailing! (Your 'anonymous' Mother.)